Thursday, November 7, 2019

Pius II essays

Pius II essays Pius II was born in the Sienese territory on October 18, 1405. Pius studied at the universities of Siena and Florence. He stayed in the city of Florence to become a teacher, although in 1431 he excepted the inventation to be the secretary to Domenico Capranic. Domenico Capranic was the bishop of Ferno and was on his way to the Council of Basel to protest against Eugenius IV. After going to Basel Pius accompanied Capranic on many other adventures. Pius was also sent by Cardinal Albergata on a secret mission to Scotland, and while in Scotland also visited England. When he returned he sided with the council about its conflicts with the Pope. Although he was still a layman he still played a huge role in the direction of the council's decisions. Pius was a very easy going person, he had no strict morals and he wasn't very consistant with politics. In 1445 he went to Germany to assist the pope. He was very sucessfull in this, he helped to resolve the differences between the papal court of Rome and the German imperial electors. In 1447 Eugenius died and his sucssesor was Nicholas V. Nicholas' first act was to make Pius the bishop of Trieste. In 1450 he was sent ambassador by the emperor Fredrick to negotiate his marriage with the princess Leonora of Naples, which was very sucsessfull. Then in 1452 he went with Fredrick to Rome where the emperor married princess Leonora of Naples and was crowned the king of the Romans. On Decemeber 18th 1456 he was created cardinal by Calixtus III. Two years later; 1558 Calixtus III died and on August 10, 1558 Pius became his sucsessor. As pope Pius served the best interests of the church. He was constantly trying for the peace of Christiandom against Islam. He also started a commission for the reform of the Roman court. Even though he was extremly busy he still found time for his literature. He had two major works during this time. His geographical and ethnographical de ...

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