Tuesday, November 26, 2019

DISC Platinum Ruleâ„¢ Assessment Paper

DISC Platinum Ruleâ„ ¢ Assessment Paper Free Online Research Papers I took The DISC Platinum Rule Behavioral Style Assessment test this week. Behavioral styles are an integral part to the dynamics of team or group and in order to have effective team, individual must understand personal behavioral style to make up with others in organization or team. DISC Platinum Rule primary behavioral styles have four different styles that are The Dominance style, The Interactive style, the Steadiness style and The Cautious style. Each style has four substyles. Substyles of dominance styles are The Director, The Adventurer, The Producer and The Pioneer. Substyles of interactive styles are The Socializer, The Helper, The Impresser and The Enthusiast. Substyles of steadiness styles are The Relater, The Specialist, The Go-Getter and The Harmonizer. Substyles of steadiness styles are The Thinker, The Master-Minder, The Assessor and The Perfecter. My main behavioral style is interactive style, substyles of interactive style is the Helper. Interaction style is quick rhythm and humanist. They are also public, direct, characteristic, participation, animation, intuitiveness and vigor. Interactive styles’ actions and decision are spontaneous. They are seldom concerned about facts and details and try to avoid as much as possible. Interactive styles are idea people. They have can get others caught up in their dreams because of their good persuasive skills. They influence others and shape their environment by bringing others into alliance to accomplish results. They seek approval and recognition for their accomplishment and achievements. They have that dynamic ability to think quickly on their feet. Interactive styles are true entertainers. They love an audience and thrive on involvement with people. They tend to work quickly and enthusiastically with others. Interactive styles are stimulating, talkative and gregarious. They te nd to operate on intuition and like to take risks (Alessandra, T, 2007). Summary of the interactive style strengths are persuading, optimistic, motivating and enthusiastic; weaknesses are disorganized, careless, exaggerates and poor follow-through. I agree with strengths but I disagree with weaknesses. I am persuading because I am good at changing others’ opinion by communication. For example, I would persuade team member or coworker to change their opinion or thought for project, give team member or coworker about my thought with better solution. I do not force people when they do not want to change their mind. I would use positive attitude talk to people for persuading, most time people would change their decision. I am optimistic because I always think everything will be fine also moving on in my life. For example, I lost my father when I was ten, I almost lost my husband in February 2007. My father has suffered from sickness for two years. I thought he would be happy in the heaven without suffering. My husband have get lose in snow in the mountain for three days, I thought about many things when he was lost that he would come back to us to spend time play with our son, teach him how to fishing and all kind of interesting thing. Police found him after three day because hi s friend walked out from the mountain. I believe my husband will always come back to me no matter how far he goes. My life is happier because of optimistic. I am motivating because I am stimulated by the positive response such as applause, laughter, compliments and so on. For example, I tend to be very receptive to change, I like to be part of new, varied or different experiences, especially if I will benefit. I am enthusiastic because I would help others if I know someone need help. For example, in my previous organization that has new employees in training. I would help them even without asking. I think I am organized persona because I organize all my school works such as I prepare school tasks as early as I can, set up schedule for my school works and daily life. I organized my work environment such as I organize all the employees’ file for a holder, I organize accounting documents for a holder, I organize bills document for a holder. I keep my desk neat and tiny. I think I am caring person because I care about everything around me; I care about others’ feeling; I care about others who do not get hurt from me; I care about my friend whose personal life; I care about tiny think such as everyone likes my dinner or not. I am not exaggerates because I always tell people truth. I do not make thing up such as I brought TV on sale which hundred dollars cheap than normal price, I would not tell other that I get two hundred cheap on the item. People is exaggerates that would not let others trust them. I would not tell people acknowledge that I do now know. I also thin k I am good follow-through because I would follow-through from my managers’ orders in my last organization. I notice that is important to lead people and follow people. I am quite uncomfortable with conflict, aggression and anger; I would focus on follow-through process for project without conflict. Weaknesses of interactive are not my predominance behavioral style. The reasons maybe are that I did not answer the question correctly and behavioral styles do not include my weaknesses. I believe DISC platinum rule should have more behavioral styles, if not which means people’ behavioral style would be bored; behavioral styles should more than sixteen substyles. The test result just let people know basic what kind of behavioral style people has. People know their predominance behavioral style that will help people to avoid weaknesses and improve the weaknesses at team or group. People should know others’ predominance behavioral style in the team or group in the organization that will decrease conflict and increase quality of project, speed and cooperation. The result would build relationship between employees with employees, employees with management and managers with managers. The interactive styles thrive on personal recognition. Support personal ideas, goals, opinions and dreams. Help interactive styles person to prioritize and organize, see tasks through to completion, view people and tasks more objectively, avoid overuse of giving and taking advice and write things down at work. In social settings that focus on a positive, upbeat, warm approach, listen to their personal feelings and experiences, publicly and privately acknowledge and focus on how glad when interactive behavioral style person succeed (Alessandra, T. 2007). Everyone have own personal behavioral styles. The work environment would be easy to control and organize if everyone knows personal behavioral styles and others. Reference Alessandra, T. (2007). The DISC Platinum Rule Behavioral Style Assessment. Retrieved May 11, 2008, from University of Phoenix rEource MGT 344. Research Papers on DISC Platinum Ruleâ„ ¢ Assessment PaperThree Concepts of PsychodynamicThe Project Managment Office SystemResearch Process Part OneComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoTrailblazing by Eric AndersonAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaHip-Hop is ArtThe Spring and AutumnIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalMoral and Ethical Issues in Hiring New Employees

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