Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Emergence Of Italian Nationalism - 1346 Words

The emergence of Italian nationalism began in the Renaissance Era and was then encouraged by key Italian figures, leading to the unification of Italy which was overall beneficial for the country. (mention benefits for Italy and how it is today) Before unification, Italy was a collection of different independent states. The Italian Wars, which went on from 1494 to 1559, were fought for the control of these Italian states by European powers. The most consistently fought over city-states in Italy were Naples, Florence, Venice, Sicily, and the Papal State of Rome. Many European powers were involved in the beginning, but soon the wars became a struggle between mainly France and Spain. While the Italian Wars were harsh on Italy, they helped to spread the Italian Renaissance throughout Western Europe. The Renaissance Era began a new way of thinking, which has been traced to the beginnings of Italian nationalism, which has contributed to the Unification of Italy. The Italian Wars began in 1494, when Charles VIII of France invaded Italy, and in 1495 conquered Naples. When challenged by Spain, the Roman Emperor, the pope, Venice, and Milan, France was forced to retreat. Charles’ VIII successor, Louis XII had control over Milan and Genoa in 1499. The second Italian War occurred when Louis then gained control of Naples by getting permission from Pope Alexander VI, and agreeing to share it with Ferdinand V of Spain. This resulted in disagreements between France and SpainShow MoreRelatedMajor Demographic Changes in the Middle East and North Africa912 Words   |  4 PagesThe major demographic changes in the Middle East and North Africa have been the massive increase in population, and urbanization which has seen the emergence of many large cities throughout the region. The reasons for this have been because of better health care, greater mobility of the population, economic opportunities in the cities and political changes. 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